The goal of the ISHS IV International Organic Fruit Symposium and II Organic Vegetable Symposium (OrgHort 2024), organized by the National Institute of Horticultural Research, Skierniewice (Poland), is to gather, share and disseminate knowledge on organic horticulture with a multidisciplinary and holistic attitude.
OrgHort 2024 is expected to address the major issues that are confronted by organic horticulture with respect to production systems, as well as new challenges derived from regulatory and market requirements for organic food and value chains. The exchange of codified and implicit knowledge among the different international stakeholders attending OrgHort 2024 will foster the establishment of knowledge networks increasing the opportunities of future ventures and developments in the sector.
The global policies toward reduced impacts of agriculture on the environment and the positive market trends of organic food are posing new challenges and opportunities also to organic horticultural productions. Climate change, soil degradation, water scarcity and reduction of biodiversity are all globally affecting agricultural production systems, and particularly organic farming due to different constraints.
OrgHort 2024 shall thus provide a forum for discussing possible holistic solutions that combine best environmental and climate action practices, a high level of biodiversity and the preservation of natural resources and high food quality and safety, able to reinforce resilience and sustainability of organic horticultural cropping systems and food production chains.
In this respect, the contribution of OrgHort 2024 will cover aspects dealt with by the Four Principles of organic farming set by IFOAM and the targets of the 2030 SDG, particularly to sustain and enhance the health of soil, plants, humans and the overall planet with the One Health vision, supporting an agroecological approach and improving implementation of fair practices along the food chain. Furthermore, as a joint event with IOBC-WPRS Meeting it will be even more fruitful, productive and covering more topics.

It would be a pleasure to meet you in Poland in September 2024!
The Organizers

Key dates

Deadline for abstract submission: 30.04.2024 15.05.2024
Notification of acceptance: 31.07.2024

Early Registration and Payment: 30.04.2024
Regular Registration and Payment: 30.06.2024
Late Registration and Payment (only participants without presentation): 30.08.2024








The multidisciplinary knowledge that will be shared during the ISHS IV International Organic Fruit Symposium and II Organic Vegetable Symposium will include the following topics:

  Organic cropping systems – innovative techniques and practices

  Prevention and protection from plant biotic and abiotic stresses, focusing on contentious and innovative practices

  Methods and practices to improve and exploit soil and ecosystem biodiversity

  Technologies to improve adoption of organic innovations (precision farming, digital farming, etc.)

  Soil management for plant nutrition and food safety

  Horticultural produce quality and safety, post-harvest technologies and food processing

  Plant breeding for organic horticulture

  Market avenues and economics in organic sector

  Seeds and plant propagation methods

  Organic horticultural produce impact on human health and nutrition



Eligio Malusa
National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice, Poland
Graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Turin, agronomist, Associate Professor at the National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice. Main lines of research include the exploitation of microbial inocula and organic fertilisers for plant nutrition and protection in fruit crops from soil-borne pests, as well as the development of soil management practices in organic fruit crops. Member of the Expert Group for Technical Support on Organic Production of the European Commission (EGTOP) and of the EU EIP-Agri Focus Group Fertiliser efficiency in horticulture.
Joanna Puławska
National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice, Poland
Graduated at the Technical University of Gdańsk, in biotechnology. Professor and the head of the Plant Protection Department of the National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice. Specialist in the fields of: phytopathology, including bacterial and fungal diseases of horticultural plants, microbiology and biotechnology, deals with the diagnosis of plant diseases, identification, taxonomy and genomics of pathogens, as well as the possibilities of protecting plants against diseases using and integrating various methods. Member of Polish Phytopathological Society and Subcommittee for the Taxonomy of Rhizobia and Agrobacteria, International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes.
Lidia Sas
National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice, Poland
Graduated at the Agricultural Univ. of Siedlce in biochemistry. Professor, head of the Dep.  of Microbiology and Rhizosphere of the National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice. A specialist in mineral nutrition of horticultural plants, root & rhizosphere research, organic cultivation technologies and bio-friendly nutrient management strategies. Achievements in the development of microbial formulations and biofertilizers for horticultural production. Extensive experience in the coordination of R&D projects in collaboration with academic & industrial partners, funded by Polish state budget and the EU. Expert for the EU Commission, representing Poland, in the Programme Committee in FP6 ‘Food Quality & Safety’ and FP7 ‘Food, Agriculture, Fisheries, Biotechnology’.

Conference partners

Main sponsor





The project is financed by funds from the state budget allocated by the Minister of Education and Science within the framework of the "Excellent Science II" Programme